Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Kapa Haka Videos in Canva

Today in our Cybermsart lesson we were lenring how to make a video using photos. 

 Firstly we had to look at the Google Photo Album shared with us that has got lots of photos from our school's Kapa Haka day.  We searched the photos and download the ones we liked. We needed 3 or 4 photos. 

Then we uploaded the photos into Canva and added them to our pages in our video. 
We had an audio file to choose from. Either the boys haka or one of our waiata. We didn't quite finish them so we will finish these on another day. 

Monday, 29 November 2021

Friday, 26 November 2021

Don't Fall For Fake

 Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were thinking about scams and phishing and the ways that people online try to get things like your password or personal data.

We looked at some online information and had a tug-o-war. We did this digitally on a Jamboard.

Here are some of the ideas we had to think about then decide what to do...

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Being Sunsmart

Today we were talking about how we are sunsmart at St Mary's School and thought of 3 or 4 important messages for others.

We created a GIF in Canva. We learned how to make our first page and then duplicate it so our formatting was easy to have on other pages. 

We learned how to format text, add backgrounds, find our school logo and shield, change the colours of texts and elements and how to animate elements. 

Here is Macey's GIF. Do you think she has good sunsmart messages?

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Playing Games Online

 Today in our Cybersmart lesson we looked at a video of 2 friends playing a game online together.
In the video they made smart decisions  about how to play and who to play with. 
We then brainstormed our ideas on how to keep games fun and friendly on a Jamboard.

What games do you play online? 
Who do you chat with while playing online? 
What keeps your games fun and friendly?

Here are our ideas ...

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Bug Hotel

This afternoon was spent redoing our bug hotel. We took it apart and checked to see what bugs had found a home. We found lots of ants, spiders, centipedes, cockroaches, 3 slugs, 1 snail and 2 caterpillars. Then we put the hotel back together layer by layer adding shells, driftwood, sticks, leaves and other pieces for the bugs to make their new home in and a safe place to have their babies. Check out our photos below!

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Sunsmart Video by Marley

 Today we did some more work on our Sunsmart videos.
We added animations and audio to make our video really eye-catching and to have "sisomo". 
Sisomo stands for sight sound and motion.

Here is Marley's video. Does he have sisomo?

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Being Sunsmart

Our school is Sunsmart! 
This term we have to wear our hats whenever we go outside our classroom. 
Do you have to do this when you are at school?

We do other things as well to be Sunsmart at school.
We are creating videos in Canva to show this.

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we started creating our video.
We talked about design like using 3 colours and no more than 2 fonts.
We also talked about backgrounds that show the messages clearly.

Friday, 22 October 2021


Today we had Joey from Northern Districts Cricket Association come and teach us how to throw, catch and bat. We had lots of fun practising these skills.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

How To Be An Upstander

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson we were thinking about how we can help others 
and be an upstander rather than being a bystander.

We made a new Google Drawing ourselves in our Google Drive, renamed it and made sure it was filed in our Cybersmart Folder. Then we designed some important messages about being an upstander.

One important thing to do is to take a screenshot and email it to trusted adults. 
Mrs Torrie's inbox was full of your screenshots! 

Here's a sample of what we emailed...

by Jethro

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson we were using Mote to record ourselves.
We sorted numbers and other kupu by listening to a Mote. 
Then we used Mote to record ourselves.

Here is some of our work...

Monday, 6 September 2021

Week 7 Online Learning

 Here is our online learning for week 7. Please check it out and leave a positive comment.

Arla's Game

Last week Arla made a game about the Horouta story using coding. 
Play Arla's game here and leave some positive feedback on this post.

Monday, 30 August 2021

Week 6 Online Learning

 Check out Room 5's online learning.

Monday, 23 August 2021

Week 5 Online Learning

 We recently went into lockdown so we have been doing our learning online. Check out our work below!

Friday, 20 August 2021

Online Learning

On Wednesday, we went into lockdown. Here is some of the learning we did at home. Our reading was done on Sunshine Classics and we did maths on MathsBuddy.                                              

Check out our animal reports and prayer spaces below.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Maths Quiz

Did you know it is Maths Week?

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we made a maths quiz in Google Slides. 
We had to make sure we knew the correct answer. 
We linked the slides so that you know. when you got it right and could go to the next question. 
We also linked the slides so you know when you got it wrong and you could try again.

Are you a maths whizz? 
Try some of or quizzes.

Friday, 6 August 2021

St Mary's Mini Olympics

Today we had our school Mini Olympics. We started the day with an Opening Ceremony where we marched through the school waving our flags and holding our signs. Then we started competing in different tabloid events like chuck the chicken, flip cup, soccer, an obstacle course, hula hooping, target throwing, tug of war, bench ball, giant connect four and horse riding. We all had so much fun and enjoyed being Olympic athletes for the day!

Friday, 9 July 2021

Matariki Kites

We have been making Matariki kites. We learnt about warm and cool colours. We read a book called the Seven Kites of Matariki and then made our own kites. We used dye and blended the colours together so there weren't any hard lines. We then chose silhouettes that reflect the time of Matariki like a man and a woman harvesting and whānau spending time together.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Sticky Question

This week we are learning how to comment on blogs. We are going to answer this sticky question today to practise commenting.

We have to be positive, thoughtful and helpful.

We have to write it like a letter and we must remember to write our name at the end.

How would you answer this question? And remember to tell us why.

Monday, 7 June 2021

Blogging Competition Results

 We have finished our blogging competition.

Here are the final results...

Thank you so much to everyone who visited our blog and left comments. 

We are so excited!

Friday, 4 June 2021

Drawing with Lines

 Today in our Cybersmart lesson we had a challenge to draw and only use 2 kinds of lines - curve line and polyline.

Here is some of our work from today...

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Today's Weather (M-S group)

Today we made a weather forecast for Gisborne. We learned how to add audio using Mote. Click on the audio button on the slides to hear the weather forecast for today.

Here is the students work from A-C (Split into groups so the slides load quicker!)

Look for other blog posts for the rest of Room 5 

Today's Weather (F-L group)

 Today we made a weather forecast for Gisborne. We learned how to add audio using Mote. Click on the audio button on the slides to hear the weather forecast for today.

Here is the students work from F-L (Split into groups so the slides load quicker!)

Look for other blog posts for the rest of Room 5

Today's Weather (A-C group)

 Today we made a weather forecast for Gisborne. We learned how to add audio using Mote. Click on the audio button on the slides to hear the weather forecast for today.

Here is the students work from A-C (Split into groups so the slides load quicker!)

Look for other blog posts for the rest of Room 5

Blogging Competition Update


Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Favourite Food

 Take a look at our work. We used Remove Background so we could insert our photo and it looks like we are floating over top of our favourite food. 

We had to use the Explore Tool to find an image of food that we could reuse.

What's your favourite food?

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Thank you!


Wow we can't believe that we have had so many comments from different places all around the world and so many views. Thank you so much for checking out our blog. Thank you for the encouragement and support you have given us. Hopefully if you go in a competition we can support you and you can win. We were so surprised to find out that people had come from Ireland, England, Japan, South Africa, USA, Australia, Canada and Alaska. We hope that you continue to check our blog.

From Room 5

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Visual Mihi

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we created a Visual Mihi. 

We talked about delivering messages with images without any words.

We also talked about using images that are labelled for reuse.

We need to only use images we have permission for.
We can find images to use in the Explore Tool in Slides.

We thought of 4 images to convey information about us that we can share online.
The only words on our slide were our name.

Take a look at some of our work on the following slides and 
see if you can find out some more about us from the images we shared.

Blogging Competition Update

Last week we started our blogging competition. Here is an update.

Last week Room 5 had lots of comments from friends and families around the world. We need to make sure we reply to them.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Blogging Competition

Room 5 and Room 6 are having a race to see 

which class blog can register the most visitors 


the biggest number of countries that the visitors come from.

On our class blogs we have a globe which counts the countries 

and a counter to keep track of the page visitors.

We will update the scores each week on the class blogs.

Click through the slides to see our scores from this week.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Smart Footprints

This term we are making smart decisions about our digital footprint.
Today we found out that your digital footprint is permanent.
Today we made smart decisions about what personal information we can share online.

We had to make sure we kept private information off our footprint.
We all agreed that we should never share our phone number, our address, our age and birthday and surnames online. 
Do you agree with us?

Look at our smart footprints we created today.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Planting Native Trees

What a busy morning we have had planting some of the trees that we received from the Women's Native Tree Nursery here in Gisborne for our awesome recycling. We were given over 120 native trees! We planted some kanuka, hebes and kowhai because we were planting in our school Butterfly Garden - the butterflies and bees love these plants. We used our team work skills to take turns at digging and planting and we even gave the roots a haircut so they weren't bound around the plant. We had so much fun and we can't wait to watch our trees grow into big strong ones!

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Chromie's Camera App Challenge

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were learning how to use the camera on our Chromebooks.

Chromie the Chromebook set a challenge for us. We were challenged to replace images on slides so that the image stayed in the same place and stayed the same size. We were awarded with a certificate when we completed the challenge.

Here is Arla's work. 
Have you read the book that she likes?

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Make a Fish Challenge

Today Miss Naden challenged us to make our own fish out the of the shapes on Google Draw. We learned how to insert shapes, change the colours and size, and flip the shapes around. Check out our sea of fish below!

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Chromie the Chromebook Challenge - Level 1

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson we did a challenge.

Chromie the Chromebook challenged us to complete all the slides. 
This was to practise drag and drop to place objects, resizing objects by dragging the corner handles 
and by entering text in the correct place.
This is the Level 1 challenge.
I wonder what will be in the Level 2 challenge?

Here is Marley's challenge. 
Can you see where he has followed the instructions and completed each slide?


And here is his certificate.
Ka pai tō mahi Marley!

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu - Nō hea koe?

Nō hea koe?
Where are you from? 

We are in a Manaiakalani programme called Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu

We have got 2 blogging buddies. 
We take turns at reading each other's blogs and commenting on the posts.

Here are our 3 schools. 
Have you been to the places where these schools are?

St Mary's Catholic Primary School is in Tūranganui A Kiwa/Gisborne.

Papaprore School is in Northland next to Lake Ngatu and 
only a 5 minute drive to Te Oneroa a Tohe.

Tāmaki Primary School is in Auckland | Tamaki Makaurau.

Let's fly around New Zealand and find our schools.

Friday, 12 March 2021

Room 5 2021

 Here are our learners in Room 5 for 2021.

We are learning how to use our Chromebooks to support our learning.

Every week we will be having Cybersmart lessons with Mrs Torrie. This term we are being Smart Learners. VIsit our class learning site here to see what we are doing to be Cybersmart.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Voyaging at the Museum

This week we went to the Museum and we had the most amazing time learning all about waka and voyaging!

Our first activity was a scavenger hunt around the museum displays.

In the star dome we watched a video of the Horouta waka coming to Tūranganui A Kiwa and we found the Horouta waka, Matariki, the hook and lots of other constellations in the stars.

Our last activity of the afternoon was making our own waka.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Class Novel

 This term Miss Naden is reading "The Wild Robot" to us. 

Today we read about a storm in the night.

We love getting the cushions and relaxing while she reads to us. 

What books do you like to read?