Thursday 8 April 2021

Planting Native Trees

What a busy morning we have had planting some of the trees that we received from the Women's Native Tree Nursery here in Gisborne for our awesome recycling. We were given over 120 native trees! We planted some kanuka, hebes and kowhai because we were planting in our school Butterfly Garden - the butterflies and bees love these plants. We used our team work skills to take turns at digging and planting and we even gave the roots a haircut so they weren't bound around the plant. We had so much fun and we can't wait to watch our trees grow into big strong ones!

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Chromie's Camera App Challenge

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were learning how to use the camera on our Chromebooks.

Chromie the Chromebook set a challenge for us. We were challenged to replace images on slides so that the image stayed in the same place and stayed the same size. We were awarded with a certificate when we completed the challenge.

Here is Arla's work. 
Have you read the book that she likes?